Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Day Nine: Frequency!

You know when you're driving and your favourite song comes on the radio? I love those moments. Even today, in the age of mp3 players and car hook-ups for one's iPod and the opportunity for endless favourite songs in one's car, I still find it such a novelty when it happens the old fashioned way.

Ditto for television. I rarely watch the ol' telly anymore, but last night I found myself channel surfing.  And lo and behold, Frequency was on TV. You know, that movie you've probably never heard of, starring Dennis Quaid and James Caviezel (back in the days before The Passion did what it did to his career).

So I hunkered down and watched me a good old-fashioned, commercial-breaks-every-ten-minutes-movie on television. I had the entire rec room to myself, and a lovely mug of tea. About halfway through the film I got a hankering for Smartfood. I kept putting it off, because I'm trying rather hard to fit into this dress that I'll be wearing to my friends' wedding, but I caved about half an hour before the movie's end.

It was delicious. Smartfood + good film + comfy couch = happiness, even if only for one hour and forty-five minutes.

1 comment:

  1. I love the movie Frequency! It's so sad that it wasn't hugely popular-- I think it's amazing. Glad you had a good time relaxing!
