Friday, June 24, 2011

Day Nineteen

Today, among other things, I had an interview (of sorts) in regards to a freelance writing position for a special needs website. The position sounds amazing, and the woman I spoke with sounded like a kindred spirit in lots of ways. It's probably going to be a volunteer position for the first little while, but they're eventually hoping to get grants and sponsorships in order to pay their staff, so who knows what might happen in the future. AND it's based in Montréal, which leaves open the possibility of an eventual move to la belle ville if the position becomes more of a permanent thing.

So, all of that's exciting. But the most exciting thing about the phone call was the fact that she actually called me 1/2 an hour late because she'd got caught up in reading my blog.

"I love it!" she said. "It's so gorgeous -- one comes away from it really feeling like they know you, and you write so beautifully. I can tell just from this that you're a person I would love to know, and to work with."

And, well, that warmed the cockles of my heart, as they say. We even chatted a little about this 365 project that I'm doing. "Who knows," she said. "Maybe your work with us could bring you joy like that, one day."

Awesomesauce!  How lovely to be able to talk once again about loving one's job, or about one's job bringing joy to one's life. I feel like the world has softened just a little, and shown me a glimpse of possibility and hope beyond my present situation. (Which is absolutely not as bad as it could be, I know.)

Still. How lovely to hear that. I had a smile on my fact the whole day.

1 comment:

  1. What wonderful encouragement! I love it when that happens and gives you a little boost. :)
