Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Woof (365 days of rejoicing, Day Three)

I'm not going to lie -- these past seven months back home have been pretty tough.  Most days I feel like I'm 15 again, except with none of the social life and three times the responsibility. 

However, I have a dog here.  I did not have a dog (of my own) in Scotland.  And today, I think this is plenty reason to rejoice.  So today, on this day when it was fiendishly hot outside and lovely and cool in the house, I rejoiced in the presence of my dearest snuffle poochie-woo, whose eyes are brown and lovely and whose tolerance for hot and sticky days rivals that of my parents.  We laid on the floor and chillaxed for most of the day.  

She's my favourite blonde in the whole wide world!


  1. Yes, she is lovely. Also, I love that you've included "poochie woo" as a tag.

  2. What a gorgeous dog! Humans are so blessed to have animals. :)
